Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to Dave!

Daves birthday was on March 3rd. He is the big 26 now, the downward slope to 40 as he likes to think of it. The morning started off with him getting french toast for breakfast. Its a little tradition his parents had when the kids were younger to make each child their favorite breakfast,so it is one we have carried on in our house. After breakfast we both had to work, but when we got home we went to my parents house and had dinner, a cake and presents. Dave got a Chinese Dragon card, and some carmels from my sister, a chocolate bunny the size of a small child that my dad picked out (he thought this was hilarious) and a ukulele from all of us. He was pretty excited! He already know a song too! He is patiently awaiting the presents from his dad, brother, and sister. On Saturday the two of us are going to carry on his birthday activities


Heidi said...

I am sooooo sorry to hear about the unfortunate baking incidents. However the cake looks fantastic. Are you sure that the cake didn't burn from the tremendous heat of all of those candles? My goodness!!! I know for sure they saw those from space!!!! And hurray I am featured in the post!!!! I feel important. Happy Birthday to the best 26 year old brother ever!!!!!! I am glad Dave is patient for the snail-mail to get going!!!!

Jennifer said...

How fun!! Happy birthday Dave!